Projects of this type involve the creation and development of new devices, models, or technologies. Usually, an original device is constructed or designed that has commercial applications or is beneficial to humans. The design process is as important as the actual end product.

The Design Process 

(Adapted from: Design and Discovery Curriculum, Intel, 2004)

The design process is a systematic problem-solving strategy used to develop many possible solutions to solve a problem or satisfy human needs and wants and narrow down the possible solutions to one final choice. It is a recognized set of generally defined steps designers and engineers use based on a problem solving strategy that leads to product development.  

Identify a Design Opportunity. The design process begins with identifying a need. Notice that opportunities to design a new product or redesign an existing one are everywhere. They often come from a problem that has been experienced personally. The goal is to identify many design opportunities and narrow them down later.  

Research the Design Opportunity. Gather a lot of information about the nature of the problem in order to narrow down your choice. Find out if other people experience the same problem and research any existing products or solutions that may currently be used to solve the problem. Choose a design opportunity to address the problem. Write a problem statement.  

 Brainstorm Possible Solutions to the Problem. Try to come up with as many ideas as you can for solving the problem or addressing the design opportunity. Brainstorming may involve the use of techniques such as SCAMPER. Then, narrow down your solutions and choose one to three to pursue further.  

Draft a Design Brief to Outline the Problem. A design brief includes: a problem statement, a description of the user needs, a proposed solution, and often a sketch of the idea or solution. This is a working document that can be changed.                                                                                                                                            

Prepare Design Requirements and Conceptual Diagrams. Define the criteria the solution must meet (design requirements) and sketch conceptual drawings.


Build a Solution Prototype. Develop detailed project specifications, consider material properties required, choose materials, and create a working prototype. 


Test, Evaluate, and Revise Your Solution. Evaluate the prototype for function, feasibility, safety, aesthetics, and other criteria. Consider how it could be improved. Modify your prototype or create another and test it.  

Video: Example Project - Innovation 

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